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Hazardous Material Quick Reference
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  • Evacuate the building and ensure that Campus Safety & Security has been called.
  • Spills that occur after normal working hours should be reported to the Campus Safety & Security Department. A Campus Safety & Security Department representative will contact Environmental Health & Safety and Facilities Management. ENVIRONMENTIAL HEALTH & SAFETY(EH&S) MUST BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATLY OF ANY SPILL.
  • Each laboratory and shop area shall have a spill kit. Small chemical spills must be contained and cleaned up immediately.
  • All flames should be extinguished if able and spark-producing equipment turned off if capable; activate the fire alarm via fire alarm pull station.
  • The responder will take steps to ensure that the spill site is contained and does not spread any further if able to do so safely.
  • Do not reenter building until the fire department or EH&S ensures that the atmosphere is breathable and non-flammable/ignitable.
  • After the spill is contained, complete a Spill Incident Report Form and submit to EH&S within 24 hours of a spill.

    Personal Injury:

  • Have someone call Campus Safety & Security and retrieve the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for EMS responders.
  • If a hazardous material has spilled on you, get to an emergency eye wash/shower immediately.
  • If the material in only on the face or eyes, flush with water for 15 minutes or until Emergency Medical Services arrives.
  • If the material is on the body, remove ALL clothing and drench body for 15 minutes or until Emergency Medical Services arrives.
  • Follow guidelines on the MSDS for all first aid treatment of chemical exposures.

    Compressed Gas:

  • In case of gas leak or fire; evacuate room/building and call Campus Safety & Security.
  • Do not re-enter area until the fire department or EH&S ensures that the atmosphere is breathable and non-flammable/ignitable.
  • All personnel that operate or operate around gas cylinders are to have available the necessary emergency treatment and first aid supplies and be able to administer or have administered the necessary first aid that may be required as a result of any hazardous gas potentially being misused.

Bomb Threat

Civil Disturbance

Suspicious Package



Hostage Situation

Criminal Behavior

Aircraft Accident

Hazardous Material

Natural Gas Leak

Utility Failure

Elevator Malfunction